Final Interpretation for RI # 175 - Circular Arguments in the objectives of FUN.2




Circular Arguments in the objectives of FUN.2

CC Part #1 Reference:


CC Part #2 Reference:


CC Part #3 Reference:

Section 13.3 (ATE_FUN) 

CEM Reference:



Paragraph 447 states that an additional objective for ATE_FUN.2 is to structure testing in order to avoid circular arguments. This does not reflect the additional element in this component, and makes little sense.


Preventing circular arguments is not the purpose for ordering of testing. The purpose of the ordering of tests is detailed in Specific Changes, below.

Specific Changes

CC Part 3, Section 13.3 is changed as follows:

In this component, an additional objective is to ensure that dependencies between tests are identified and understood. This understanding reduces the likelihood that results of tests performed by different parties or at different times will vary due to the order in which the tests were performed.


This interpretation provides the useful purpose for ordering of testing.