Unofficial CC/CEM versions

CC v.3.0 PDF
CC Part 1: Introduction and general model ccpart1 V3.0.pdf
CC Part 2: Security functionalcomponents ccpart2 V3.0.pdf
CC Part 3: Security assurance components ccpart3 V3.0.pdf
CEM: Evaluation Methodology cem V3.0.pdf

CC 2.4
  • CC v2.4 makes no changes to CC Part 2. One should therefore use Part 2 from CC v2.2 in conjunction with this version.
  • Starting with this version, the CEM has only one part, and the same version number as the CC version it is aligned with.
CC Part 1: Introduction and general model ccpart1v2.4r256.pdf
CC Part 3: Security assurance requirements ccpart3v2.4r256.pdf
CEM: Evaluation Metholodogy cemv2.4r256.pdf

CC v2.1

The files below are versions of CCv2.1 and CEMv1.0 that contain all final Requests for Interpretation up until the 31st of December 2003. Additions and deletions caused by these RIs have been clearly marked in the documents.

CC Part 1: Introduction and general model part1.2003-12-31.pdf
CC Part 2: Security functional requirements part2.2003-12-31.pdf
CC Part 3: Security assurance requirements part3.2003-12-31.pdf
CEM Part 2: Evaluation Metholodogy cem.2003-12-31.pdf