CC/CEM 2.* Interpretations

All RIs submitted for CCv2.1 or CCv2.2 have either been explicitly published below as final or have been assessed and taken into account during the development of CCv3.0

Interpretations that apply to CC v2.2 and CC v2.1 and which have been included in CC v2.3

Number Date Title
86 04/04/2005 Final Interpretation for RI #86 - Role of Sponsor
1371/30/2004 Final Interpretation for RI #137 - Rules governing binding should be specifiable
146 04/04/2005 Final Interpretation for RI #146 C&P elements include characteristics
175 04/04/2005 Final Interpretation for RI #175 - Circular Arguments in the objectives of FUN.2
180 04/04/2005 Final Interpretation for RI #180 - COV.3 dependency on FSP.1
192 04/04/2005 Final Interpretation for RI #192 - Sequencing of sub-activities
220 04/04/2005 Final Interpretation for RI #220 - FCS_CKM/COP dependency on FDP_ITC.1
227 04/04/2005 Final Interpretation for RI #227 CC Part2 F.12 user notes
228 04/04/2005 Final Interpretation for RI #228 Inconsistency between FDP_ITC and FDP_ETC
232 04/04/2005 Final Interpretation for RI #232 FDP_ROL statement
243 04/04/2005 Final Interpretation for RI #243 - Must Test Setup And Cleanup Code Run Unprivileged?
254 04/04/2005 Final Interpretation for RI #254 - Applicability of ISO/IEC standards

Interpretations that apply to CC v2.1

Number Date Title
3 02/11/2002 Final Interpretation for RI #3 - Unique identification of configuration items in the configuration list
4 11/12/2001 Final Interpretation for RI #4 - ACM_SCP.*.1C requirements unclear
6 10/15/2000 Final Interpretation for RI #6 - Virtual machine description
8 07/31/2001 Final Interpretation for RI #8 - Augmented and Conformant overlap
9 04/13/2001 Final Interpretation for RI #9 - Definition of Counter
13 10/15/2000 Final Interpretation for RI #13 - Multiple SOF claims for multiple domains in a single TOE
16 02/11/2002 Final Interpretation for RI #16 - Objective for ADO_DEL
19 02/11/2002 Final Interpretation for RI #19 - Assurance Iterations
24 01/16/2001 Final Interpretation for RI #24 - COTS product in TOE providing security
25 07/31/2001 Final Interpretation for RI #25 - Level of detail required for hardware descriptions
27 02/16/2001 Final Interpretation for RI #27 - Events and actions
31 10/25/2002 Revised Final Interpretation for RI #31 - Obvious vulnerabilties
32 10/15/2000 Final Interpretation for RI #32 - Strength of Function Analysis in ASE_TSS
3310/15/2000 Final Interpretation for RI #33 - CC use of "Check"
37 02/16/2001 Final Interpretation for RI #37 - ACM on Product or TOE?
38 10/31/2003 Final Interpretation for RI #38 - Use of 'as a minimum' in C&P elements
43 02/16/2001 Final Interpretation for RI #43 - Meaning of "clearly stated" in APE/ASE_OBJ.1
49 02/16/2001 Final Interpretation for RI #49 - Threats met by environment
51 10/25/2002 Revised Final Interpretation for RI #51 - Use of documentation without C&P elements.
55 10/15/2000 Final Interpretation for RI #55 - Incorrect Component referenced in Part 2 Annexes, FPT_RCV
56 10/31/2003 Final Interpretation for RI #56 - When can the FPT_RCV dependency on FPT_TST be argued away?
58 07/31/2001 Final Interpretation for RI #58 - Confusion over refinement
64 02/16/2001 Final Interpretation for RI #64 - Apparent higher standard for explicitly stated requirements
65 07/31/2001 Final Interpretation for RI #65 - No component to call out security function management
67 10/15/2000 Final Interpretation for RI #67 - Application notes missing
69 03/30/2001 Final Interpretation for RI #69 - Informal Security Policy Model
74 10/15/2000 Final Interpretation for RI #74 - Duplicate informative text for ATE_COV.2-3 and ATE_DPT.1-3
75 10/15/2000 Final Interpretation for RI #75 - Duplicate informative text for different work units
80 10/15/2000 Final Interpretation for RI #80 - APE_REQ.1-12 does not use all determine
84 02/16/2001 Final Interpretation for RI #84 - Aspects of objectives in TOE and environment
85 02/11/2002 Final Interpretation for RI #85 - SOF Claims additional to the overall claim
95 02/16/2001 Final Interpretation for RI #95 - SCP Dependency in ACM_CAP
98 02/11/2002 Final Interpretation for RI #98 - Limitation of refinement
103 7/15/2003 Final Interpretation for RI #103 - Association Of Access Control Attributes With Subjects And Objects
104 07/15/2003 Final Interpretation for RI #104 - Association of Information Flow Attributes with Subjects and Objects
111 10/31/2003 Final Interpretation for RI #111 - Settable Failure Limits are Permitted
116 07/31/2001 Final Interpretation for RI #116 - Indistinguishable work units for ADO_DEL
120 07/31/2001 Final Interpretation for RI #120 - Sampling of process expectations unclear
127 10/25/2002 Revised Final Interpretation for RI #127 - Work unit not at the right place
128 11/15/2002 Revised Final Interpretation for RI #128 - Coverage of the Delivery Procedures
133 10/25/2002 Revised Final Interpretation for RI #133 - Consistency analysis in AVA_MSU.2
138 06/05/2002 Final Interpretation for RI #138 - Iteration and narrowing of scope
140 07/15/2003 Final Interpretation for RI #140 - Guidance Includes AGD_ADM, AGD_USR, ADO, and ALC_FLR
141 07/15/2003 Final Interpretation for RI #141 - Some Modifications to the Audit Trail Are Authorized
150 07/15/2003 Final Interpretation for RI #150 - A Completely Evaluated ST is not Required when TOE evaluation starts
151 10/31/2003 Final Interpretation for RI #151 - Security Attributes Include Attributes of Information and Resources
156 04/04/2005 Final Interpretation for RI #156 - Incomplete range of values in CEM Table B.4
201 10/31/2003 Final Interpretation for RI #201 - Other properties
202 8/26/2003 Final Interpretation for RI #202 - Selecting One or More items in a selection operation and using None in an assignment
212 10/31/2003 Final Interpretation for RI #212- Relationship between FPT_PHP and FMT_MOF
222 10/31/2003 Final Interpretation for RI #222 - Meaning and use of normative and informative?